Campamento de Primavera 2025

Cuentitos Storytelling
March 31st- April 4th, 2025

Había una vez… (Once upon a time…) Join us for a week of Cuenta Cuentitos (Storytelling). We use children’s favorite books to put together our own cuentitos (stories) through art, songs, and rhymes.

This allows ouryoung students to use their imagination, and develop their language skills, and love of learning as they put together a performance of their favorite story using a variety of illustrations. What a great way to learn early literacy skills and develop confidence!

Note: All camp activities are planned according to the student’s age putting emphasis on our philosophy as we reach our student's potential to learn in a caring and loving environment.



● Non-Refundable Fees: Tuition is non-refundable if you withdraw your child after your enrollment form has been submitted.

● Payment Due: Your full Tuition is due at the time of enrollment along with this form.

● Late pick-up fee: There is a $5 late pick-up fee for every five minutes that your child is picked up after his/her scheduled pick-up time.